
Ranua Resort Camping Wildlife Park


  • Obratovalni čas: 01.01 - 31.12 - trenutno v obratovanju
  • Naslov: Rovaniementie 29, 97700 Ranua, Finska - Pokaži na zemljevidu


Camping Wildlife Park offers caravanners and campers a comfortable place for a stop right next to the wildlife park. You can stay around the clock, and the sauna is warm every night. The equipment of the area includes a kitchen … with dining areas, an outdoor grill, saunas and showers, a washing machine, a children’s playground and a toilet emptying point. Camping Wildlife Park’s services are complemented by Ranua Resort’s services. Wild Arctic Restaurant offers breakfast and lunch every day, and you can conveniently take a packed lunch with you. In addition to Ranua Wildlife Park located in the immediate vicinity of the caravan area, the nature trail with its huts and sheds offers unforgettable nature experiences. You can also get to know Ranua’s amazing nature with rental fat bikes, snowshoeing or skiing in the winter.
  • Kategorija kampa:
  • Skupno število igrišč: 30
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Referenčna cena
Najvišja sezona 35,00 €*
Nizka sezona 35,00 €*
*Dva odrasla, prikolica, avto, elektrika in lokalne takse na noč
Obratovalni čas
01. januar - 31. december


Rovaniementie 29
97700 Ranua
GPS koordinate
Lat 65.94455206003994, Long 26.461716953638184
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Ranua Resort Camping Wildlife Park
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