Camping de Collonges-la-Rouge *** - Aquadis Loisirs


  • Obratovalni čas: 01.03 - 03.11 - trenutno v obratovanju
  • Naslov: RD38 - La Valane , 19500 Collonges La Rouge, Francija - Pokaži na zemljevidu
  • RegijaLotCorrèze


Camping de Collonges-la-Rouge is located in Nouvelle-Aquitaine in one of the Most Beautiful Villages of France, near the Dordogne Valley and the Perigord. You will be delighted by this destination that will feel like travelling in time as you walk … on age-old cobbles and stroll through narrow medieval streets, while exploring the famous castles and fortified towers built in red sandstone. Come and visit this attractive area in Midi-Corrèze that is bathed in sunshine. The spot is ideal if you are looking forward to a holiday in the heart of nature, for a little peace and change of scenery. Within the estate covering 4 hectares, you can choose to stay in a traditional camping pitch shaded by oaks and maples, in a natural mini-chalet or a mobile home with all the modern comforts.
  • Kategorija kampa:
  • Velikost mesta: 4 ha (Talni pogoji: Trava)
  • Skupno število igrišč: 68
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Referenčna cena
Najvišja sezona 26,00 €*
Nizka sezona 20,00 €*
CampingCard logo CampingCard ACSI 17,00 €
*Dva odrasla, prikolica, avto, elektrika in lokalne takse na noč
Obratovalni čas
01. März - 03. November


  • Jezero: 28 km
  • Reka: 18 km
  • Naslednji kraj/vas: 0,8 km
RD38 - La Valane
19500 Collonges La Rouge
GPS koordinate
Lat 45.06059965934448, Long 1.6638789497375361
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Camping de Collonges-la-Rouge *** - Aquadis Loisirs
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