Ammeråns Fiskecamp



Ammeråns Fiskecamp is located directly by the Ammerån River. It is a small campsite with a few pitches (gravel or meadow), right by the water. A great wooden sauna invites you to stay at any time of the year. There … are various barbecue facilities, from campfires to rustic grills. In addition to the pitches for motorhomes or caravans, there is a separate area for tents. There are also stugas, rooms in the vandrarhem with plenty of space to stay in the service building and fully equipped timber houses for 4 to 6 people. It is situated only 500m from Riksväg 87, between Östersund and Sollefteå (Sundvall), embedded in forest and river. You can stand here in absolute peace and quiet, experience nature, hike, cycle, fish (fly fishing, flasher, boat, canoe). There is also a small fishing shop. W-LAN is possible at/in the service building. There is a sign to Ammeråns Fiskecamp from the 87. If you take this road, it is before the bridge, which has a height and weight limit. There is still a great bathing spot/laid out public bathing area within a few minutes walk. Welcome to Ammeråns Fiskecamp in Hammarstrand - Ammer ...all year round!
  • Velikost mesta: 7 ha (Talni pogoji: Trava)
  • Skupno število igrišč: 10
  • Število turističnih parcel: 0
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Referenčna cena
Najvišja sezona 28,00 €*
Nizka sezona 28,00 €*
*Dva odrasla, prikolica, avto, elektrika in lokalne takse na noč
Obratovalni čas
01. januar - 31. december


Ammer 320
84491 Hammerstrand
GPS koordinate
Lat 63.160947040867, Long 16.215020235541
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Ammeråns Fiskecamp
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